If your electronic marketing strategy is behind the times, you could be losing valuable business. Effectively using the web, e-mail, multimedia and other electronic vehicles is key to attracting and retaining customers. Connected Marketing can help you build a knockout e-marketing strategy.
A brief look at what we can do:
- Build an e-marketing strategy that fits into your overall marketing plan
- Identify the most effective electronic vehicles for your needs
- Define the scope of your e-marketing programs to fit your resources, goals, and budget
- Develop your branding, messaging, and look and feel for consistency across all media
- Build effective e-mail campaigns and an overall e-mail strategy
- Create and maintain a compelling website
- Create valuable instructional content for e-newsletters, websites and more
- Create attention-getting multimedia content to enhance your electronic presentation
- Develop sales presentations, product demonstrations, and other key content in digital form, including audio and video
Why Connected Marketing?
The team at Connected Marketing works comfortably with the latest technology - but more importantly, we understand how to make technology work for you. Your e-marketing strategy should be as seamless and effective as traditional marketing efforts, and we're here to ensure that your e-marketing delivers. Our team is highly experienced in all aspects of e-marketing, from website development to e-mail campaigns. Let us put electronic media to work for you. |